
About us

About us:XiamenWain Electrical Co., Ltd. is an integrated enterprise that is engaged in the R&D, manufacturing and distribution of industrial pp电子游戏哪个容易赢s (heavy-duty pp电子游戏哪个容易赢s). With the strong support of national policies, Wain is committed to building a superior brand through quality and technology. Wain is equipped with modern facilities and workshops for injection, hardware, diecasting, electroplating, assembly and moulds, with 95% of parts and components used being independently produced. Wain also boasts product R&D and product performance test laboratories as wellas various technological patents, which have laid-down solid foundations for the Company’s growth.Our Products:Wain constantly introduces cutting-edge technology, professional talent and sophisticated eq…


Add: No. 600 Shanting Road, Xiang'an District,

Xia men,Fujian,China

Tel: 0592-7227563

Fax: 0592-7227569

E-mail: info@wainpp电子游戏哪个容易赢.com



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